Happy December Birthday to all you Sadges and Cappies! This forecast is from my monthly newsletter, "News of the Woo" which I send automatically to all subscribers at the beginning of each new month. Sign up if you want it directly in your inbox. Here's what's going on up in the sky this month...
As December arrives, it moves to a slow beat, thanks to Mercury retrograde. Although Mercury is not moving backward, from our Earthly vantage point he appears to be doing so. See below video for a quick visual explanation why retrogrades occur.
We should expect travel delays and form a Plan B for when life comes to a crawl. Mercury Rx (retrograde) can also bring challenges to communication. In the sign of Sagittarius, which prefers the direct approach, a bit of softness goes a long way. Use that brain-to-mouth filter to find the balance between truth and tact in order to avoid miscommunication (or say nothing at all).
The New Moon in Sagittarius occurs on December 1st at 1:21 AM ET, a lunation associated with fresh starts. With Mercury being retrograde right now, however, it’s better to review and maybe refresh our goals. Are they sound? Or do you need to revise? If you take this time to reflect, you’ll be better prepared for success with the second New Moon in December at the end of the month.
Venus trines Uranus on December 2nd, prompting unexpected but likely pleasant shifts in our relationships and our wallets. It’s likely that single people will meet someone new today, so don’t waste this day with your nose in your phone. Get outside and talk to strangers! The planet of love is working with the planet of surprises on our behalf. The rest is up to us to make the magic happen.
Mars stations retrograde on the 6th. Like Mercury, now also Mars appears to move backward in the sky. During this transit, which lasts through late February, keep your anger in check. If you feel your temper rising, take a moment to cool off. Also, think before taking action. A bit of mindfulness goes a long way, both this month and in January. Mars is the planet of assertion/aggression, athleticism, and war. When he’s retrograde, that energy is blocked and can turn inward, making us Cranky Frankies.
Venus in Aquarius on the 7th sets the perfect tone for holiday celebrations with friends. In the home of the Water Bearer, the planet of all things beautiful makes us prioritize community, increases our desire for social engagement, and heightens our value on intellectual compatibility. Good night for a dinner party, as conversations should flow to “big picture” topics, rather than to gossip.
The Full Moon in Gemini on the 15th coincides with Mercury stationing direct. This is ideal for wrapping up conversations, conflicts, and contracts. The Moon is emotions. Gemini is chatty. If you need closure this is the day/night to attempt it. Clear the air, and you’ll be in a good (or at least better) mood for the rest of the month.
Winter Solstice is official whenever the Sun slips into Capricorn for his long winter nap. This year, Solstice occurs in the wee hours December 21st, at precisely 1:20 a.m. Pacific Time, 4:20 a.m. Eastern. Capricorn loves organization, so if you have any last-minute holiday shopping or wrapping to finish up, get moving. We’ll feel better with all our ducks in a row.
Christmas Eve finds Jupiter and Saturn tangled in a 90-degree square, a challenging aspect. Jupiter wants to expand, while Saturn demands responsibility. The beneficial aspect to the square between these two largest planets in our solar system is that it gives us the energy and the motivation to make real improvements in our lives. Be careful that you’re not saying yes to too many things around the holidays. Instead, create boundaries - and ask for help. Above all, remain chill. The less you stress, the more lovely your holidays will be. This is Act II two of a three-act play, which began in August when they first squared off. The effects of this square will last about a week, and we won’t have to worry about them squaring off again until next June, 2025.
December finishes with the month’s second New Moon, also known as a Black Moon, on the 30th. This one is in the sign of Capricorn, an ideal lunation for crafting New Year’s resolutions for 2025. In the hardworking, pragmatic sign of the Sea Goat, this New Moon is helpful with creating structure in our lives that enables us to stay accountable, to seek security and stability, and to set accomplishment goals.
December 2024 Astrology for All Zodiac Signs